
Candy Corn Cookies

I saw a picture of these on Pinterest and knew that they were what I wanted to make to take to our church's halloween party.  They turned out awesome!  Sugar cookies that look like candy corn!

Here's a mini picture tutorial:

First you make some sugar cookie dough.  You can make your own, or you can use the store-bought kind.  I cheated this time around and used the pre made stuff.  I used 3 packages of dough, thawed.

I lined a loaf pan with wax paper (or parchment, or aluminum foil, whatever you have.).  I then pressed all of one of the cookie dough packages into the bottom of the loaf pan on the paper.  

Next I added equal amounts of yellow and red food coloring to another whole package of dough and mixed it around with my hands until it turned orange.  Press the orange colored dough straight on top of the non-colored dough.

Repeat using just yellow food coloring with the last package of dough, and then put that dough on top of the orange.

Freeze this thing for a few hours, or overnight.

Take it out of the loaf pan after it's chilled, flip it up and peel away the paper/foil.

Then slice about 1 inch logs off of the dough.  Then make 6 diagonal cuts into that strip, and you will have cookie dough candy corn!

Bake them at 350 (or whatever you recipe says) for 7-10 minutes, until golden brown edges.

This is the final product!

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