
Christmas Gifts to the Kitchen

The weekend or so before Christmas, we took the boys down to visit their grandparents in Alabama.  We stayed for 3-4 days, one of which Jeremy made a trip back up to our house to work on a few Christmas presents for me.  I knew he was doing something to the house, I just had no idea what.  He had made some pretty awesome changes to our kitchen!  Here are some photos of what he did:

He painted our refrigerator turquoise!!  I've always wanted one of the old school 1950's blue refrigerators.  Since those are vintage and uber expensive, Jeremy improvised and painted our fridge!  He actually made this color by mixing a few different paints together.  He also painted the dishwasher the same color...

We have plans to paint the stove the same color, but it will require a different type of paint that wouldn't be affected by oil and such while cooking.  

I can't help but compare my little kitchen with this one that was seen in an appliance magazine in 1959.
And if I'm going to have a vintage kitchen, then next on the list is to get these!

This was done a while ago, but we also added these decals to the cupboards.

And lastly, he made a mason jar chandelier to go over our table!

(one of the bulbs is a dud)

We found an old breadbox at Goodwill and painted it to look like this!

yay for new kitchen renovations!

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