

*Breakfasat sandwich with scrambled eggs, avocado and pineapple salsa on whole grain sandwich thins.
*Caramel Brûlée latte.

*Turkey Harvest salad from Panera Bread

*Apple and Sweet Potato grabber.

Ok, so I know that's an awful dinner, but it's just been one of those days.  Crazy day at work, came home to screaming babies and a hugely messy house, christmas presents to finish and cards to be mailed, I didn't have much time to think about food.  

Also, these things are actually very delicious!  I saw them one day in the baby section at target, and it looked yummy, so I bought it.  I might have stocked up on them since then...

1 comment:

  1. oh noooo! I'm wishing you a delish breakfast in the morning! I have had those days too - and I always would wake up with a growling tummy for breakfast -- but at the time... oh gosh the craziness can take over! Hope you have a graet night and happy wiaw! <3
