
Banana Blondies

I realize that I just made a batch of brownies not too long ago.  Well, those were given away to a friend and I was desperate to use up the leftover caramel and an almost-inedible brown banana.  Oh and one more excuse for making these?  Jeremy said..."you should make something delicious for me to take to work tonight, so that people will like me more".  Awesome.  Glad I can contribute to your popularity at work.  

Not quite sure why these brownies look blue, I think I had a blue bowl near, causing a reflection.  I  assure you they are not blue!

The brownies did NOT disappoint.  I was actually quite sad to send them off to Jeremy's work instead of having them here to eat all myself.  Because that's what would have happened.  I'm pretty sure I would have eaten every. single. one.  Maybe it's a good thing he swiped them before I had a chance.  I did manage to grab one piece though, just to make sure that the final result was indeed edible.  It was a total success.  This is my new go to recipe when I rotten bananas sitting around.  Banana bread?  Nah.  This is much tastier.

Banana Blondies
adapted from Martha Stewart's chocolate chip brownies

1 stick butter, melted
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup mashed ripe banana (about 1 medium banana)
1 cup flour
1 tsp salt
1 cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup caramel of choice (I used the leftover salted vanilla bean caramel I had on hand.  Dulce de leche would also be delicious, or just some straight up plain caramel.)

Preheat oven to 350.  Line a 8x8 inch square pan with parchment paper, enough to hang over the sides of the pan and butter the paper. (or spray generously with non-stick spray).  Whisk together butter and sugars.  Whisk in egg, vanilla and banana.  Add flour and salt and stir until combined.  fold in 1/2 cup chocolate chips.  Transfer batter to pan.  Place dollops of caramel all over the top of the batter.  Sprinkle with remaining chocolate chips.

Bake for 30-40 minutes, until top is golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the center.  Let cool completely before removing from the pan.  If using paper, grab the overhang and lift the blondies out of the pan and cut into pieces.   

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear god! I so want to be more popular at work... ehh thought it might work. We are going to try these asap.
