
Chicken and Asparagus Roll-Ups.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that I actually do eat healthy food.  I'm just not very good at making healthy food look good for pictures, so when it comes to blogging about the everyday healthy recipes that I make, I don't have much.  BUT for proof that my diet does not consist only of cookies, brownies, pie, and other baked goods, here is one of our typical dinner dishes. 

As I've stated before, we love us some asparagus.  Since you can usually only find it in the spring/early summer time, I usually stock up and cook a bunch of asparagus dishes within a week or so.  Haven't gotten any complaints yet.  Here is one that has been a favorite of ours.  Chicken roll ups with asparagus and red pepper.  It is just what it sounds like.  A few stalks of asparagus and red pepper rolled up in a tender piece of chicken.  Extremely simple, healthy and delicious.  We ate it alongside some parmesan orzo pasta.

Chicken, Asparagus and Red Pepper Roll Ups

4 chicken breasts
salt and pepper
2 Tbsp olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup parmesan cheese
1 large (or 2 small) red pepper, sliced
8 asparagus stalks 

Preheat oven to 375.  Split chicken breasts horizontally, and flatten out with a pounder.  (or your fist with the chicken in between 2 pieces of plastic wrap).  Season both sides with salt and pepper.  Heat the oil over medium high heat and sauté both the garlic and the chicken breast until only one side is lightly browned.  Throw out the garlic.  Put the chicken on a baking sheet (cooked side down).  Sprinkle on 1/2 of the cheese, then add a few pieces of red pepper slices and asparagus stalks and roll up.  Secure with a toothpick.  Put the remaining cheese all over the top of the roll ups.  Bake for about 15-20 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through.     

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