
Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream

Sorry for the hiatus.  I've been a little busy lately.  With two new little additions to our family that require our whole attention and keep us up  all night and all day long, there has been little time for baking delicious things.  One of my favorite hobbies has currently been replaced by a few of my new favorite duties hobbies.  I'm not complaining though---I love the little guys : )  They did decide to both take a nap at the same time for a few hours the other day, in which I took advantage of by making some homemade ice cream.  It wasn't complicated and required no churning, and no fancy ice cream maker. All it required was a mixer (and a freezer).

Mix up all the ingredients, and freeze.  It's really that simple.  And there are tons of flavor possibilities.  I chose blueberry cheesecake.  It is by no means low-fat or healthy, unless you count the calcium in the dairy.  It's full of sugar and fat, creamy and wonderful.  Oh!  And we got a new camera...a fancy schmancy one.  I have no idea how to use it to take nice pictures, but I'm on a quest to learn.  So you may notice my blog pictures slowly improving over the next however long it takes me to learn...      

Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream

3/4 cup cream cheese, softened
1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups heavy whipping cream
3/4 cup blueberry syrup

In a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, beat cream cheese until smooth.  Slowly add condensed milk, beating in between to avoid lumps.  Stir in vanilla and cream.  Using the whisk, beat on med-hi until stiff peaks form.

spread half of the mixture into an 8x8 square dish. pour half of blueberry syrup over it.  Top with the rest of the cream mixture, and then the rest of the syrup.  Using a knife, swirl the syrup and cream.  Cover with foil and freeze at least 6 hours.

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