
Bananas Foster Oatmeal

This might be a little too personal for some readers, so sorry in advance, but did you know that oatmeal helps with breast milk production?  I'm not sure what it is in it that does so, but it helps increase milk supply.  Back when I was first nursing my twins, I ate a lot of oatmeal to ensure that I made enough milk for them both.  I was super excited to find this oatmeal recipe, because I was getting tired of eating the same flavored or non-flavored oatmeal every day.  Bananas Foster desserts are awesome.  Not only do they share a name with my family (my maiden name is foster), but what's not to love about bananas, pecans, and caramel?  It's delicious, and when you top oatmeal with this lovely mixture, it makes for a very happy morning (or whatever time of day you happen to be eating it)!

Bananas Foster Oatmeal
from a photo I saw on Pinterest (I sort of made up the actual recipe, but it's pretty basic)

1/2 old fashioned oats
2 bananas, sliced
1 cup milk
dash of salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp brown sugar
1/4 cup pecans, chopped

combine oats, 1/3 of the bananas, salt, cinnamon and milk in a small pot.  cook on med, stirring occasionally, until it bubbles and starts to thicken.  turn heat to low and simmer for about 15 mins, stirring occasionally.  

In a small pan, combine butter and sugar and cook, stirring until melted.  add remaining banana slices and sprinkle pecans in.  after a few mins, flip the bananas and cook until caramelized.  

top oatmeal with banana mixture.       

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