
Vegetarian Green Chili

Sometimes, I highly consider becoming a vegetarian.  I think the only thing really holding me back is my meat-loving husband, because there is no way he's going all veggie anytime soon.  I still have some convincing to do.  I just don't want to mess with having to cook 2 different types of meals each night, or only have a limited recipe list that allows for both meat and meatless options.  I would choose to be a vegetarian for a few different reasons, the main one being it would force me to eat more vegetables.  I really need to make myself eat more veggies, but I'm really bad about actually doing it.  If my food options were limited, I would be more likely to do so.  I realize that you can be a vegetarian and eat very unhealthy also, but I think that I would notice a difference in my energy level and overall wellbeing if I ate nothing but processed junk all the time.  

I saw this recipe in a Better Homes and Gardens magazine, and it intrigued me because, first of all, because almost every single ingredient for this chili is green.  AND it's super spicy.  I love all things hot and spicy, and it was what I craved most during my twin pregnancy.  Jeremy was a little iffy about it, because it did not contain any meat.  "It's not chili if it doesn't have meat".  Those were his words.  I made the chili anyway.  He didn't have words after he ate the first bowl, he only went back for seconds. and thirds.

Vegetarian Green Chili
serves a lot.

2 cups long grain rice
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 bunch green onions, chopped
6 garlic cloves, minced
2 large green peppers, chopped
3 stalks of celery, chopped
12 oz bag of frozen edamame soy beans
1 4.5 oz can of green chills
3 cups veggie broth
16 oz jar of salsa verde (I used a hot version, you can use mild if you'd like!)
6 cups fresh spinach
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
3 avocados, peeled, pitted and chopped
sour cream or greek yogurt

Cook rice according to pkg directions.  In a dutch oven or large soup pot, stir onions and garlic into hot oil and cook over med-hi heat for about 2 minutes.  Add the green peppers and celery.  Cook until crisp/tender, about 5 minutes.  Add soy beans and green chills, cook 5 mins.  Add broth and salsa verde, and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 15 mins.  Stir in spinach.  Cook 1minute.  Remove from heat.  Stir in cilantro and 2 of the chopped avocado pieces.  Top with sour cream/yogurt/avocado pieces.  Serve over rice.


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